Who Are You Walking For?

Join your community this May, for the 2021 IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s

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The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s is back. This year, we’re walking for the people who need our support more than ever. We’re walking for the moms that walked us to school, the dads that walked us down the aisle, and the grandparents that walked us to the park every weekend. We’re walking for all the friends and family impacted by Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It only takes a few simple steps to participate and walk for your loved ones: 


Register online today at www.walkforalzheimers.ca. Find your local walk details on the website


Raise funds & walk in your community throughout May. Tell us who you’re walking for on social media using #IGWalkForAlz


Join us on May 30 for our virtual celebration on the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s Facebook page

Whether you’re walking with your family, friends, neighbours or pets, let’s all walk together responsibly to show our support and raise funds for the Alzheimer Society. 

This year has been especially difficult, not only for people living with Alzheimer’s disease, but also for the caregivers who tirelessly support those with dementia. IG Wealth Management employee Coreen Strom had a touching story to share about who she is walking for, and the importance of supporting people impacted by the disease. 

My father-in-law, Carl Strom, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

Carl’s Alzheimer’s progressed slowly, but as a family we noticed he wasn’t quite himself. The last 4 years of his life, though, were tough to watch. As much as we were there to support Carl, the brunt of it fell upon his wife, Lorraine. She was a trooper. Carl could not sleep at night, and was a diabetic, so she would stay up with him all night to check and then recheck his blood sugar levels. Lorraine soon became exhausted, and her health took a turn for the worse. We were incredibly worried we would lose her before Carl.

In his last year, Carl began to wander. During the night he would make visits out to his sundeck. Doors soon had to be jammed to prevent anything from happening. But one morning, while Lorraine was trying to catch an hour of sleep, he left his home. Winter was upon us, and he was found with minimal clothing wandering along the side of the highway. Thankfully, some early morning skiers saw him and took him to the hospital, as Carl couldn’t tell them his name or where he lived. Lorraine received a call from the hospital shortly after that to come and gather him. This was the event that led Lorraine to make the heart-breaking decision to place Carl into a care facility. She was no longer able to do it herself, but at the same time felt defeated by it, as she stood true to her vows of “for better or worse, in sickness and health.” I don’t think she ever really understood the toll it took on her health.

So, the impact in our lives of Alzheimer’s seems to be more so on the caregiver I’d say. Sadly, we lost Carl last February, only 2 weeks after being placed into the care facility. But on a more positive note, we have gained our Mother back. Her health has bounced back, and she’s been able to go and enjoy the many things she couldn’t do while giving all of her energy, time and attention to Carl for the past 4 years.

Ultimately, my story ends up being about the impact on the caregivers. The need for additional support, and the need for them to not feel guilty in asking for help.  They are true angels.

Coreen Strom, IG Wealth Management Executive Assistant, Nelson, BC

It’s more important than ever to support the families and caregivers of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Through our continued partnership with the Alzheimer Society, and our sponsorship of the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s, we can raise funds to provide programs that help the caregivers who support our loved ones. To learn more about our partnership and community initiatives, visit www.empoweryourtomorrow.ca

Tell us who you’re walking for and share your story using #IGWalkForAlz

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