IG’s new financial literacy resource is helping seniors manage their money

This year, IG, with our partners at the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE), launched a new financial literacy resource, Money and You: Seniors Edition, to help build the financial confidence of Canada’s senior population.

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This new resource is organized in easy-to-follow modules that cover several personal finance topics tailored to the specific needs of seniors, including but not limited to:

  • government pension sources
  • budgeting and borrowing money
  • retirement income planning
  • estate planning
  • planning for cognitive impairment

It’s free, available online in English and French, and can be read, downloaded, or printed according to the user’s interest.

Helping seniors is our priority

As part of our Empower Your Tomorrow program, IG collaborates with organizations, like CFEE, who share in our vision to build financial confidence among four key priority populations: seniors, youth, Indigenous communities and newcomers to Canada.

Money and You: Seniors Edition was developed based on IG’s extensive experience working with clients who are approaching or currently in retirement and CFEE’s direct engagement with seniors at hundreds of workshops and events. It is a companion resource to the highly successful Money and Youth: A Guide to Financial Literacy. More than 750,000 copies have been distributed to homes and schools across Canada and it has been named a key resource within high school career planning programs in several provinces.

Click, learn, share

Money and You: Seniors Edition is available now! We encourage you to check it out and share it with your family, friends and colleagues who might find it beneficial.

IG firmly believes in empowering Canadians with financial knowledge, no matter their age or stage of life. We know financial literacy breeds financial confidence; and that’s our ultimate goal for Canadians — today and in the years to come.

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