Should you downsize your home

Downsizing isn’t just about relocating to a smaller space: it’s a process that requires planning, patience and some practical steps to ensure a successful transition. These tips can help make it a smoother experience.

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The choice to downsize your home is a significant decision that can have both financial and lifestyle implications. Whether you’re an empty nester looking to simplify your life or someone seeking to reduce expenses, downsizing requires careful consideration. Here are some factors to contemplate when deciding if downsizing is the right choice for you.

The why and when of downsizing

Before you start measuring furniture or perusing property listings, it’s essential to understand the motives behind downsizing. For some, the catalyst is retirement, an empty nest or simply a desire to simplify life. For others, economic challenges might be pushing the decision. It’s crucial to pinpoint your reasoning and ensure it aligns with your long-term goals.

Realizing your reasons to downsize your home

Begin by making a list of the reasons you’re considering downsizing. Are you looking to reduce maintenance responsibilities, lower your mortgage or rental payments, or live in a more walkable area? Understanding your “whys” will help you stay focused during the process and confirm whether this is the best option for you to move forward with.

The pros and cons of downsizing

Every decision comes with trade-offs, and the decision to downsize your home is no exception. Here are some general pros and cons of downsizing your home.


  • Lower maintenance and utility costs.
  • Potential for higher retirement savings or investments.
  • A less cluttered, more manageable living environment.
  • Possibility to move closer to amenities or family.


  • Limited space, potentially leading to less privacy and hosting flexibility.
  • The emotional challenge of letting go of a home loaded with memories.
  • The stress of moving and resettling into a new, possibly unfamiliar neighbourhood.
  • The potential for higher housing costs if the market is more expensive in your desired new location.

Crunching the numbers: the financial implications of downsizing

One of the biggest motivations for downsizing is the potential for financial gain. This is why it’s important to determine whether you can get ahead financially by doing this. Be sure to calculate the practical budget including selling costs, potential investment opportunities and long-term saving strategies.

Also, consider how long you plan to be in your new home. Downsizing can also include renting a cheaper home or apartment for some time. My husband and I thought about downsizing potentially but realized we’d need to stay in that new place for at least two to three years to see any financial benefit over the long term. Moving costs are high, so don’t underestimate what it will cost you to move, sell your home, store items, etc.

Here’s what to look for:

Direct monetary impact

  • Estimate the potential equity you could release.
  • Calculate potential savings from reduced mortgage payments or rent.
  • Compare the costs of selling your home with the savings.

Other financial considerations

  • Factor in any potential increased health care costs or travel expenses if you’re moving to a different area.
  • Examine the impact on your estate plan and inheritance if you’re downsizing due to lifestyle changes.

Steps to take to downsize your home

Downsizing isn’t just about relocating to a smaller space; it’s a process that requires planning, patience and some practical steps to ensure a successful transition. Here are some key steps to follow if you choose to downsize your home.

Step 1: assess your needs and wants

Be honest with yourself about your lifestyle and what you need from your home. Consider factors like work, hobbies, social life and family visits when deciding on your ideal living space.

Step 2: determine your new home’s specs

What size and type of property are you looking for? Will you be satisfied with an apartment, a townhouse or do you wish to stay in a single-family home? Think about location as well; this influences cost and quality of life.

Step 3: decluttering your current home

Start with small, manageable tasks, like clearing out drawers or sorting through a single room. The key to successful downsizing is not to rush but to make consistent progress.

Step 4: selling, donating or discarding items

Once you’ve sorted through your belongings, decide on a strategy for the items you no longer need. Selling, donating and discarding can be time-consuming tasks, but they’re necessary to make the moving process smoother.

Step 5: finding and preparing your new home

When house hunting, keep your priorities in mind. Work with a real estate agent who understands your downsizing goals. Once you’ve found the right place, consider any modifications needed for the new space.

Moving day and beyond

When the big day arrives, you should be well prepared. Keep these final tips in mind to help the move go as smoothly as possible.

Be organized and communicative

Label all your boxes and consider deputizing a friend or family member to help manage the logistics. Make sure your movers know about any fragile items or special instructions.

The first week in your new space

Take it slow; unpack and organize your essentials. You might want to focus on setting up your core living spaces first, like the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

Settling in

Give yourself time to adjust to your new surroundings. Get out and explore your new neighbourhood, meet your neighbours and start making your new house a home.

Summary: making the decision to downsize your home

Ultimately, the decision to downsize your home is a deeply personal one. By going through this guide, you should have a clearer understanding of the practical, financial and emotional aspects involved. Reflect on the insights and start your downsizing with confidence. Remember, the next chapter of your life is waiting to be lived, and a new home — no matter the size — can be a significant part of the adventure.

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