These are questions that are asked and answered when you work with a professional consultant. In fact, studies show that Canadians who work with an advisor and pay fees still see returns that are 3.9 times higher than people who manage their own money see over a 15-year period1.
Achieve your goals with investment solutions and comprehensive advice.
Your IG Consultant will take you through a sophisticated and in-depth investment planning interview to gain a thorough understanding of your personal investment goals, your investment time horizon, and your comfort level with risk and volatility. Based on the outcomes of this process, your IG Consultant will then prepare your personalized Investment Plan, as well as written confirmation of our ongoing service commitment.
With over $91 Billion in assets under management*, our investment solutions provide clients with exclusive access to some of the world’s leading asset management professionals. Our portfolios are expertly managed to offer a complete investment approach, whether you are just starting out or well on your way to a secure financial future.

1 Source: Difference in household financial assets attributable to financial advice. Center for Inter University Research and Analysis of Organizations, 2016.
* As of September 2019 Commissions, fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Insurance products and services distributed through I.G. Insurance Services Inc. (in Québec, a Financial Services Firm). Insurance license sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company (outside of Québec). Trademarks, including IG Wealth Management and IG Private Wealth Management, are owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to subsidiary corporations. Brokerage offered through Investors Group Securities Inc. (in Québec, a firm in financial planning).
* To learn more about the IG Living Plan, visit https://www.investorsgroup.com/en/why-us/living-plan
© Investors Group Inc. 2019 MP2055 MA (05/2019)