Season two: A Wealth of Women’s Stories podcast

It’s back. We’ve launched season two of A Wealth of Women’s Stories podcast, hosted by award-winning entrepreneur Manjit Minhas (co-star of Dragon’s Den). The podcast looks to create a community of women supporting women by sharing stories and experiences of empowerment, inspiration and breakthrough.

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For our sixth episode of the podcast, Manjit welcomes Beth Wilson, the former CEO of Dentons Canada. Wilson has been named among Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women on a number of occasions and is a well-respected results-oriented change leader in the business community.

“Invest the time to really understand and know yourself.” – Beth Wilson

Wilson is on the boards of some incredible institutions, including SickKids Hospital, Woodgreen Foundation and CivicAction. She has 11 years of comprehensive C-suite experience at KPMG and, after 26 years with the organization, Wilson decided to go for the top role of CEO. When her dream job slipped away, she made the decision to leave the only company she’d ever worked for and pursue her ambitions. 

“My happy place leading is where there's significant change to be led,” says Wilson.

During the episode she and Minhas discuss life lessons and share experiences.

“It was interesting that somebody asked me in an interview over International Women's Day, what can men do to be better allies to help women reach their goals and as spouses in particular,” says Minhas. “And I said, ‘do the laundry’. And I wasn't joking. Everybody kind of laughed. And I thought no, actually, I do mean that because no matter what happens the laundry has to be done.”

“I would add something to your phrase ‘do the laundry’,” says Wilson. “Which is ‘do the laundry without being asked’.”

You can listen here or on your favourite podcast streaming app!

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