Financial empowerment for newcomers

At IG, we strive to help Canadians feel financially empowered by providing community resources through the IG Empower Your Tomorrow program – and we love seeing success stories.

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Take Hamd, for example. He moved from Iraq to Canada with his family, but as the sole breadwinner he felt overwhelmed and stressed.

He knew how important it was to provide for his family, but he faced many obstacles as a newcomer with minimal English skills. When he heard of the Immigration Loan Repayment Program, he was ecstatic.

Hamd was accepted into the program and started Money Management Training, where he learned about the Canadian banking system and terminology with the help of an interpreter. He was grateful to get effective solutions that helped him manage his debt and set budgets.

Through the Access to Benefits Navigators program, he was able to apply and pay for his daughter’s birth certificate and get a Social Insurance Number for his newborn baby. Staff even accompanied Hamd to the bank where was able to set up RESP accounts for his kids.

Hamd continues to work hard, is saving for his children’s education and aspires to buy a house in the near future. We love celebrating stories like Hamd’s and continue to support our community partners whose programs make such a huge difference in people’s lives.

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