This year, host and entrepreneur, Manjit Minhas has had some powerful and insightful conversations with our incredible guests. The newest episode of the podcast, best of season two, is an opportunity to look back and revisit those memorable conversations with inspiring women and is also a chance to share some unaired content.
Here’s a sneak preview of the people you can expect to hear from (and what you can expect to hear from them) during this special “best of” episode where women’s voices are not only heard, but celebrated:
Erin Bury, CEO of Willful, talks with Manjit about her experiences as an entrepreneur and a mom.
“I have always seen having a child as something that only helps me to better understand and have empathy for the customer that's coming to our website,” says Bury.
Twin sisters, Jenna Hutchinson and Ashley Kosowan, talk about their journey to embracing entrepreneurship, and building their bakery’s brand.
“I remember writing an occupation on a form,” says Kosowan. “What do I put? I'm not really a baker, but I'm not a graphic designer anymore. It took me years to clue in — oh, entrepreneur, that's what I should be putting down.”
Beth Wilson, a community builder and leader, sits on the boards of many institutions, talks about the “confidence gap” and what it takes to be successful.
“It's critical that you establish credibility through technical excellence, but then you have to be proactive, you have to take risks, you have to get out of your comfort zone,” says Wilson. “That's where the growth really happens.”
Vanessa Bowen, money expert and founder of MintWorthy, talks about the power of mindset.
“How we relate to money is truly a reflection of how we relate to ourselves, and how we relate to life,” says Bowen.
Entrepreneur Taylor Lindsay-Noel, a former Canadian national gymnast who had a life-altering accident, talks about overcoming adversity, shaking up perceptions and continually pushing herself further as a business owner.
“My expectations on myself are actually far greater than what I'm doing now,” says Lindsay-Noel. “So, you can see me here today, but in five years, you won't even recognize me.”
In all, Manjit’s discussions with her guests in season two are thought provoking and inspiring. A Wealth of Women’s Stories podcast began, in part, to challenge the misconceptions and biases surrounding women professionals. It has been great to see the podcast evolve into a forum and community where support, advice and inclusion have connected women and allies in an authentic and safe way.
Take the opportunity now to listen to the full “best of” episode here, or on your favourite podcast listening app. And, if you haven’t had the chance to yet, go back and listen to all the previous episodes in season one and two as well.
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